Students were tasked with choosing an explorer that they wanted to learn about in depth. Students have been working for the past few weeks on researching their explorer.
Here are the
guidelines for the project
Here are the
learning targets and rubric for the project
Elements of the project include:
- Diary entries from the perspective of their explorer
- The research of a constellation and how the stars were used by explorers
Example of a constellation write up. |
- A map of the route the explorer took
- Explorer Poems
- Model of Explorer (done at home)
Example of a completed explorer model |
Example of a completed explorer model |
- An artifact that the explorer would have taken on their exploration
I created an example model of my artifact. |
Example description of my artifact. |
- The explorer's interactions with native people
Mr. Roshak's Example of a Venn Diagram comparing my explorer to the people they encountered. |
- Timeline of key events in the explorer's life
- Drawing or model of the transportation the explorer used to travel
Students will be completing the project this week and next, it will be due on February 13th.
Awesome that they are learning Venn Diagram's! John Venn's birthday is Aug. 4th. Every Friday is Venn Day in some creative writing/graphics circles. (TMI)